Genealogy Data Page 101 (Notes Pages)
Schroeder Karen Sue* [Female] b. 3 MAY 1944 Ottawa, Putnam, OH
Schroeder Mary Jeanne* [Female] b. 23 JAN 1947 Ottawa, Putnam, OH
Annesser Mary Catharine [Female] b. 26 JUN 1908 Ottawa, Putnam, OH
Westrick John D [Male] b. 19 JUL 1948 Ottawa, Putnam, OH
Schroeder Ruth Ellen (Skip)* [Female] b. 18 SEP 1949 Ottawa, Putnam, OH
Birth Record, Putnam County, OHFirst Communion, Sts Peter and Paul Catholic Church, Ottawa, OHConfirmation Record, Sts Peter and Paul Catholic Church, Ottawa, OHMarriage Record, Sts Peter and Paul Catholic Church, Ottawa, OH
Schroeder Elizabeth Ann* (Betsy) [Female] b. 12 FEB 1952 Ottawa, Putnam, OH - d. 7 JULY 1998 St Michaels Catholic Cemetery, Kalida, OH
Schroeder Julie Alice* [Female] b. 22 MAR 1954 Ottawa, Putnam, OH
Kreinbrink Dennis T (Denny) [Male] b. 29 JAN 1940 Leipsic, Putnam, OH
Kreinbrink Hubert H [Male] b. 5 SEP 1910 - d. 11 DEC 1988 Lima, Allen, OH
Ruhe Mary [Female] b. 1917 OH
Kreinbrink Gwen E* [Female] b. 8 SEP 1967 OH

Gwen with her husband Scott Edelbrock and daughter Nicole.
Kreinbrink Todd Dennis* [Male] b. 16 JUL 1969 OH
Edelbrock Scott D [Male] b. 2 FEB 1962
Cline Danielle Marie [Female] b. 1970
Burgei Linda Louise [Female] b. 25 JAN 1955

Linda with her husband James Utendorf.
Utendorf Jaime Lynne* [Female] b. 21 FEB 1985
Kipfer Mitchell Paul [Male] b. 14 MAY 1985
Utendorf Jodi Lynne* [Female] b. 23 SEP 1986
Koehler Joseph James [Male] b. 7 AUG 1982 MI
Moorhead David Allen* [Male] b. 19 DEC 1977
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